Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It's Been A While.....

It has surely been too long since I have written. It was brought to my attention lately that I haven't blogged in awhile, and to be honest, I was pretty excited to know that someone noticed:) There has been so much going on here that it is hard to still myself long enough to write. I spent much of mid-late last year planning for new Sweetea Products....bags, dolls, tea sets, jewelry...the things everyone seems to email me about. I really became consumed with creating products and I have to admit they are all quite adorable and perfectly Sweetea. It just seems that right now isn't the timing, I suppose. I think my heart is in writing and speaking and the production side of this business really steals me from my "love." So, I pray that if we are to have a line of Sweetea Products that the person who is better equipped to direct those steps appears, because it is surely too much for me alone.

On the other side, I have been speaking more and will begin traveling here soon to some towns that I am very excited about....Charleston, Savannah, Birmingham, Auburn, Monroeville, AL....Louisiana, Mississippi. I love speaking more than writing I believe. I just truly enjoy the opportunity to share my story with others. I really have a heart for ministry, and I believe the time in which we live that it is desperately needed. I just finished my book "He Gave Me Pearls," which is for women instead of Sweeteas for something different. I don't know if it will be published or what exactly I will do with it, but it was on my heart and now it is on paper and that is how Sweeteas began, so we will see. I think I may start a Newsletter with the same title, because I feel that God gives me pearls to share and it would allow me to do so.

I spoke to a group of young ladies in McComb on Sunday. They call themselves the Crown Club, and they were started by a Junior League Member who decided to mentor and create a group of young ladies much similar to the role of the Junior League from Juniors & Seniors from local high schools. The "Crown Club" in turn decided to mentor a group of 6th grade girls, where they have been sharing with them this year the theme "Pretty Is As Pretty Does." So we had several generations of Southern Women together from Grandmothers and Mothers to High School Seniors to 6th Graders all celebrating together the importance of Inner Beauty and Southern Grace. I left with such a sense of pride in knowing that this was taking place in the community from which I grew up, and wondered if other communities were doing the same?? Please share if you are!!!

So this leads me to the pearl for today.......We all have the ability to change lives by sharing our stories and our faith, and by letting our lives be reflections of love and compassion. May we never miss an opportunity to touch someone else in need. I am sure there were many young girls on Sunday that through this mentoring program have been truly influenced. I know the president, Chandler Parker, though a senior in high school moved me by her genuine desire to touch these young ladies and her efforts to make that day perfect for them.....it warmed my heart:)
There is a book I read recently entitled, "Sun Stand Still" by Steve Furtick, and it is about praying audaciously for things we would almost consider miraculous. I would say that is basically what I did 5 years ago when I found my healing and Sweeteas. I personally really enjoyed the book, and I especially loved how he claims that we all are connectors to the Source, so no matter what our job is, we all have the ability to move others to the Source, even with a simple smile or friendly hand shake. So may you be the connector where ever you are!!!!
I love the quote....Bloom Where You Are Planted!!

My precious twins, Houston & Jackson, turn five this week which is really exciting for them because they get to start Baseball now that they are five, but also for me, because five years ago the Sweeteas were born from a heart that seemed failing but now is fully alive:)
